Because of Jesus...Your Present Has Power


Saturday 6 pm, Downtown 7 pm, God's Country* Sunday 9:15 am, Downtown* 10:30 am, Crossfire** ALSO ONLINE

Jan. 23, 2021


In this series so far we’ve discovered that because of Jesus, hopeless wretches become cherished children. Being cherished children of God changes some things for us, like how we interact with our past: instead of failures and abuses and choices from our past making us ineligible to be loved by God, we are cherished children in spite of our past. Because of what Jesus has done for us - our past is not fatal! But it doesn’t stop there. God chooses not only to free us from our past; he reinvests in us so that we can live as the people he wants us to be in the present. And he gives us the power of his own Spirit to provide the strength we need to live as his cherished children in real time - our present is power-full, because of Jesus. As you read these passages, pay attention to what they say about power and strength.

MONDAY (01/25): 2 Samuel 22:26-42
TUESDAY (01/26): Isaiah 40:25-31
WEDNESDAY (01/27): Isaiah 41:8-13
THURSDAY (01/28): 2 Corinthians 12:7-20

To prepare for our next worship times, read the following Scripture texts and watch for the word HOPE.

FRIDAY (01/29): Jeremiah 29:10-14
SATURDAY (01/30): 1 John 2:28-3:3
SUNDAY (01/31): 1 Peter 1:3-9