Making Spirit Space, Week 1


Saturday 6 pm, Downtown 7 pm, God's Country* Sunday 9:15 am, Downtown* 10:30 am, Crossfire** ALSO ONLINE

Jun. 12, 2022

Today’s scripture: Acts 2:1-21 

The disciples are gathered in the Upper Room – very possibly the same room where Jesus had gathered with the 12 for Passover the night he was arrested. They are there because Jesus a week earlier had told them to stay in the city until the gift he promised was given – the Holy Spirit. First, the disciples had to make room for this gift in their thinking and in their own spiritual journey, even though they did not fully understand what that would mean. Then when the gift came, they had to make room for that experience to be what Jesus had promised. Then Peter had to make room for the Spirit to empower his proclamation. What’s likely here is that they were doing what they normally did when they were together in places like this: praying (1:14). So they were engaging in a spiritual practice that cultivated space for something of a deeper spiritual nature to happen in them, among them, and then through them. The Spirit goes where he is wanted. The Spirit responds to people who are cultivating space – making room – for him to engage their lives. 


Our readings for the week ahead are: 

MONDAY, June 13 Job 25 & 26 

TUESDAY, June 14 Job 27 & 28 

WEDNESDAY, June 15 Job 29 & 30 

THURSDAY, June 16 Job 31 & 32 

FRIDAY, June 17 Job 33 & 34 

SATURDAY, June 18 Job 35 & 36 

SUNDAY, June 19 Job 37 & 38